Healthy Snacks Help Enhance Academic Success

As parents, we want to do everything we can to make sure our children are successful- at home, at school and in life. While kids are in school, spending some time talking about snacks can potentially make a big difference this academic year.

Linking Nutrition & Academic Performances
A healthy, balanced diet is linked with academic achievement. In fact, the absence of certain food groups or nutrients in a child’s diet can negatively impact grades and attendance. Kids who don’t eat enough fruits, vegetables and milk and dairy foods tend to get lower grades than students who do meet dietary recommendations.
Furthermore, deficits of specific nutrients like vitamins A, B6, B12, C, folate, iron, zinc and calcium are associated with lower grades and higher rates of absenteeism and tardiness among students.
There is Room for Improvement in Kids Snack Choices
Many parents are unaware that poor snacking habits could negatively impact their child’s academic performance, therefore we recommend that parents pay special attention to healthy snack options during back-to-school season. Research shows that kids get nearly one quarter of their daily calories from snacks- making snacks almost like the fourth meal of the day.
Unfortunately, research also shows that healthy foods are NOT what’s commonly on a child’s snack tray. Kids are far more likely to snack on sweets or crunchy, salty snacks than nutrient rich food group foods. So there’s plenty of room for snack improvement to help fuel academic success this school year.
Smart Snacking at School
While parents can control snacking options at home, what about school? Parents can try and ensure that all foods consumed by their kids school a day must meet certain nutrition standards.
The Solution
Try giving your kids some healthy snacks, but disguised in the shape of normal snacks. The one thing that kids love, is potato chips. And don’t we all? We wish that there was a healthier alternative to these fried golden delights. Well our wishes have officially come true! Try DIP Foods baked potato chips! These crispy golden brown delights took us a good year to perfect, with dramatically lower oil content in these bad boys, you can match your healthy snacks requirements and give your kids a treat they won’t fuss about! Buy our Baked Potato Chips right here!

