The Benefits of Healthy Snacking

Consuming Healthy snacks improves overall health, curbs your cravings, fights weight gain, regulates your mood, boosts your brain power and gives you the energy you need to keep going all day!

Healthy Snacking Impacts Weight Control

Learning to avoid giving into your extreme hunger periods increases the likelihood that you will choose a healthy snack over an unhealthy one. Top nutritionists always recommend that you eat small meals every three to five hours as they help you resist the urge to overeat.
Another key is to keep healthy snacks on hand. The best way to avoid eating food that you shouldn’t is to not keep any around, similarly for the same reason you’re not supposed to go grocery shopping when you’re hungry — you buy a lot of stuff you really shouldn’t.

How to Curb Your Cravings

Your Blood sugar dips three to five hours after you eat. Eating small, frequent snacks keeps your metabolism up and helps normalize blood sugar. Hunger can throw your body into famine mode, which slows down your metabolism and makes it easier to put on more weight.
Consume foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, low-fat dairy products, whole grains, and legumes that are packed with the nutrients, fiber, and protein your body needs, and guard against sugar highs and lows, so you are less likely to succumb to your unbearable sweet tooth!

Energy & Mood

Nutrient-poor, sugary snacks such as candy bars and junk food are like fuel that runs hot and flames out. Although they give you a quick burst of energy, usually it is followed by a sudden crash and decline that can leave you hungry, cranky, sleepy, and more often than not, unable to concentrate.
Healthy snacks are more like slow-burning fuel that helps you keep going all day. Having several snacks a day helps banish that post-meal sleepiness that comes from consuming too many calories at one sitting. If you include protein in your snack, you’ll derive an extra mental boost — protein-laden food like fish, meat, eggs, cheese, and tofu contain amino acid that increases the production of neurotransmitters that regulate concentration and alertness.

Many of us naturally reach for carbohydrates when we’re feeling down because they help lift our mood by boosting the brain chemical serotonin.

Opt for some healthy snacks instead, check out our shop page, full of healthy delectable you can indulge in without feeling guilty at all!

